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John Waters Fans

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:21 pm
by Annie
I know some of you have got to also be John Waters Fans. He's only 63 and is talking about retirement; David doesn't have to, so why should he????? ... o_Retire_/

Re: John Waters Fans

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:38 am
by mixomatosis
I think that link pretty much answers your question - he wants to work on his art and writing. He doesn't have to retire, but he wants to. Seems fair enough to me; I'm sure Hairspray alone means he's rich enough to afford it. And given his standard rate of production, it's going to be a few years before he finishes those two films anyway.

Re: John Waters Fans

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:15 pm
by Annie
OK, so my bad for not reading the article I posted! I'd still like to see more by him. Any other fans???

Re: John Waters Fans

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:50 pm
by Annie

Like a wayward Santa for the Christmas obsessed, legendary filmmaker and raconteur John Waters rides into town on his sleigh full of smut this December spreading yuletide cheer with his critically acclaimed one-man show, "A John Waters Christmas".

Putting the "X"in Xmas, Waters rapid-fire monologue explores and explodes traditional archetypes as he shares his compulsive desire to give and receive perverted gifts, a religious fanaticism for Santa Claus, and an unhealthy love of true crime holiday horror stories. Delving into his passion for lunatic exploitation Christmas movies and the unhealthy urge to remake all his own films into seasonal children's classics, "The Pope of Trash"will give you a Joyeaux Noel like no other.

John Waters is the quintessence of cult films and the 'midnight movies' phenomenon, and his films--which range from Mondo Trasho, Pink Flamingos, and Female Trouble, via the original Hairspray that inspired the successful Broadway show of the same name, to A Dirty Shame and Cry Baby, the breakthrough-film of a tender-faced Johnny Depp, are eternal classics.

December 22 at 8 PM--enter to win free tickets.

For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit:

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