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Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:12 am
by Rhiannon
Does anyone think David Lynch or Mark Frost should be doing some interviews, etc about the TP Season 3? I am not expecting to get any solutions or answers from them about all the unanswered questions from the fantastic return series, but would be nice to hear their thoughts on all of season 3 aspects...actors/characters,music, story lines, etc

I don't believe they have done any press at all for the series since it started or finished?

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:00 am
by Mr. Reindeer
Lynch did one Entertainment Weekly interview after the first four aired, think they've both been silent since. I was surprised Lynch dropped a fairly major spoiler in the EW interview, saying that the season was about entering the world as an innocent and discovering your likes and dislikes. As soon as I read that, I knew we were gonna stick with Dougie for the long haul and managed my expectations accordingly, which honestly was probably a very good thing.

Lynch hates doing interviews. He was forced to do them pre-series for publicity, but now he doesn't have to and I don't think he will. My hope is he'll do something for the Blu Ray similar to the Stories features on Eraserhead and INLAND EMPIRE, or even Slice of Lynch/Between Two Worlds, where he can sit and talk about the work on his own terms at his own pace. Ideally, I'd love a featurette of him and Mark sitting together talking about it for 2-3 hours.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:04 am
by Firewalkwithme91
Mr. Reindeer wrote:Lynch did one Entertainment Weekly interview after the first four aired, think they've both been silent since. I was surprised Lynch dropped a fairly major spoiler in the EW interview, saying that the season was about entering the world as an innocent and discovering your likes and dislikes. As soon as I read that, I knew we were gonna stick with Dougie for the long haul and managed my expectations accordingly, which honestly was probably a very good thing.

Lynch hates doing interviews. He was forced to do them pre-series for publicity, but now he doesn't have to and I don't think he will. My hope is he'll do something for the Blu Ray similar to the Stories features on Eraserhead and INLAND EMPIRE, or even Slice of Lynch/Between Two Worlds, where he can sit and talk about the work on his own terms at his own pace. Ideally, I'd love a featurette of him and Mark sitting together talking about it for 2-3 hours.
I want Frost and Lynch´s skype-conversations as a blu-ray extra. Bring on at least 50 hours of it! :mrgreen:

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:18 am
by AgentEcho
Frost I would guess would do some interviews to promote The Final Dossier and will probably not be dodging questions about the series.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:20 am
by TweetPeak
MF will never find the golden shovel to dig himself out of the mess that is TSHOTP

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:32 am
by Agent Earle
AgentEcho wrote:Frost I would guess would do some interviews to promote The Final Dossier and will probably not be dodging questions about the series.
Though he may be dodging those about his own book - if it'll contain as much inconsistencies as the previous one did, that is. Ya know, he'll be givin' the kinda answers that lead you around on merry goose chases and ultimately bring you nowhere. Instead of simply admitting to the fact he just felt like changing a buncha stuff for no reason (other than not feeling up to the task of checking the background established back in the day).

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:47 am
by AgentEcho
Agent Earle wrote:
AgentEcho wrote:Frost I would guess would do some interviews to promote The Final Dossier and will probably not be dodging questions about the series.
Though he may be dodging those about his own book - if it'll contain as much inconsistencies as the previous one did, that is. Ya know, he'll be givin' the kinda answers that lead you around on merry goose chases and ultimately bring you nowhere. Instead of simply admitting to the fact he just felt like changing a buncha stuff for no reason (other than not feeling up to the task of checking the background established back in the day).
Whatever ones opinions are of the inconsistencies, no way do I think it's because he was being lazy about not checking his work. The finale finally shed some light on why they may have been intentionally placed in there. They were too pointed to be a mistake.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:23 am
by Nikki Grace
I hope we will get some on the upcoming DVD set. Maybe a double interview? That would be great.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:13 am
by Panapaok
Yeah, hopefully there will be stuff like that in the Blu-ray.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:56 am
by Tailsun
AgentEcho wrote:
Agent Earle wrote:
AgentEcho wrote:Frost I would guess would do some interviews to promote The Final Dossier and will probably not be dodging questions about the series.
Though he may be dodging those about his own book - if it'll contain as much inconsistencies as the previous one did, that is. Ya know, he'll be givin' the kinda answers that lead you around on merry goose chases and ultimately bring you nowhere. Instead of simply admitting to the fact he just felt like changing a buncha stuff for no reason (other than not feeling up to the task of checking the background established back in the day).
Whatever ones opinions are of the inconsistencies, no way do I think it's because he was being lazy about not checking his work. The finale finally shed some light on why they may have been intentionally placed in there. They were too pointed to be a mistake.
I don't disagree but the alternate timeline trope feels intuitively cheap and even slightly insulting in that it disregards the time viewers/readers spent with the material, most likely trusting it to at least maintain internal consistency. It feels all too convenient for the writer who may feel crushed under the weight of his own creation. Even if it does add depth to the overall narrative, I can see why it's seen as lazy. The payoff for a multi-timeline shakeup is yet to be seen and I think it's reasonable to view the new material as "guilty until proven innocent," if that makes sense.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:40 am
by referendum
I don't disagree but the alternate timeline trope feels intuitively cheap and even slightly insulting in that it disregards the time viewers/readers spent with the material, most likely trusting it to at least maintain internal consistency
i don't see why. It is pretty clear from the last couple of episodes that the idea here is that there is not one version, there are versions, that twin peaks and it's people is like a story generating machine for lynch/frost, but those stories do not have to be consistent with each other, and some can be vaguely realistic while others can be obviously made up. I don't call this an alternate timeline.

I think it comes from a very free attitude to representation, that you are not tied one particular way of doing things, or one kind of emotional tone, or one particular media. If in an art class you told 15 people to draw a picture of a crow, they would all come up with different things, but they would still all be recognisably a crow. They would not have to ' maintain internal consistency' beyond reference to the subject matter. Another way of putting it would be, if you told 15 different bands to cover the same song, etc.

I am guessing that this is the sort of angle Lynch/ Frost are coming from, they realised they did not have to tell stories that all belonged on the same linear timeline, and even that they could tell the same story in different ways or from different POV's, and it freed them up, all they had to do was connect everything loosely back to Twin Peaks and tell some new stories about some of the old characters. Yes, it is unconventional given the usual format of TV Drama. But then people don't go to Lynch for the conventional, they go to be surprised. I spent most of this series really not knowing what was going to happen next. That is very rare for a TV show. I can't see this as a bad thing, even if it did mess with my expectations abit :)

I will be pretty interested to hear more about the way this was put together when one or both of them gets round to doing interviews. Answers to specific loose end plot threads ( what happens to audrey? etc) is the last thing I will expect either of them to try and answer. Although it would be funny - and 'consistent' - if they both said different things.

Re: Lynch or Frost interviews re Season 3?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:38 pm
by Rhiannon
I am not sure why Showtime didn't insist on both of them doing more promo work for the series, especially in the last couple of weeks.