Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by sycamore »

Positive and negative critiques of performances, myopic examination of endless clues and fascinating speculation (yes, my finger is pointing at myself!), ideas that make some sense and theories that seem outlandish. I've read every single post since Part 1 ... and I've got to admit, I'm consumed by Twin Peaks. For the most part, as a group, I think we're mostly moving toward getting 'it' ... yet, I think we might be looking too closely. I think that something's brewing even bigger than we ever imagined. Part 8 was the 'Pure Heroin Lynch' we read about ... and just maybe it's yet to come.

From our 'normal' world of three dimensions, let's step way back and look at the big picture:

Length. Width. Height. Time. Frequency.

Yeah, I mean: let's step way, waaaay back.

"Is it future, it is it past?" - Phillip Gerard

"I am dead, yet I live." - Laura Palmer

If you could sum it up in a few sentences, what is it that David Lynch and Mark Frost are trying to get across to us through narrative story? What's the greater purpose here? I'll offer my attempt at the end of this post.

Part 9 gave us William Hasting's remarkable scene with Tamara Preston interviewing him. Bill sobs about the zone, another dimension, his travels to it, his encounter with the hibernating Major, clearly identifying Garland Briggs in the photo lineup, Ruth Davenport's death, 'so many of them', waking up at home in his bed. And we get the name of his website: 'The Search for the Zone' ... which we've all found to be real and odd in so many ways.

So the question is: Why did Frost and Lynch create this website?
Is it past (from the 90s)? :
Is it present (from today)? :
Is it future (will it be updated)? :
Yes, it is. All at once. It has a look and feel from the 90s, links to articles that were written in the past, a link to a webpage that no longer exists - yet still exists in the wayback machine, a link to another webpage that no longer exists - yet still exists in another place, links to soundtracks with incomplete track listings that relate to music we've heard as of today (Parts 1-9) - which will be updated as more music is played in the future (Parts 10-18). Again, why did Frost and Lynch create this website? How about this: to introduce us to concepts that cannot be easily explained over the course of an hourlong TV show.

"Everything about Twin Peaks is going to be unconventional - unconventional in the handling of it and how we put it out in the world and how we market." - Showtime CEO David Nevin

Are they really marketing the soundtracks that will be released in a few months through the website that a character created many years ago to search for another dimension - mainly so that we would have something to digest right now as a helper for understanding the larger vision of the upcoming parts of Twin Peaks? (Maybe read that again)? Uh huh, yeah ... I think so.

"Listen to the sounds." - David Lynch

Let's get to the articles and touch on some really deep shit.

I read each of the webpages and on Hasting's website and I'm quoting some very small parts that I think are relative to the concept that Lynch and Frost are trying to get us to wrap our heads around. You should read the complete article to get the most from each site.

Parallel Universes and Density Shifting
In order to visualize what are parallel universes, you have to be introduced to new scales and concepts beyond what has been imagined by mankind. It is time for you to shed the shackles of present day science immersed in theories that promote those who presented it ... The Universe is based on major 5 dimensions ... You are familiar with the first three linear axis of ordinary spatial volume related, x, y, and z of standard math. [length/width/height] The fourth is time ... The fifth dimension involves vibrational frequency. This frequency or vibrational rate is super imposed on matter and energy at the sub atomic level. ... Each vibrational level is independent from each other, but occupy the same space. ... Atoms vibrating at different frequencies do not mix; they simply slide past each other.

The Science of Parallel Universes ... ience.html
The existence of parallel universes may seem like something cooked up by science fiction writers, with little relevance to modern theoretical physics. But the idea that we live in a 'multiverse' made up of an infinite number of parallel universes has long been considered a scientific possibility – although it is still a matter of vigorous debate among physicists. ... It is important to keep in mind that the multiverse view is not actually a theory, it is rather a consequence of our current understanding of theoretical physics. This distinction is crucial. We have not waved our hands and said: 'Let there be a multiverse'. Instead the idea that the universe is perhaps one of infinitely many is derived from current theories like quantum mechanics and string theory. ... the space of possibilities in quantum mechanics is huge. Mathematically, a quantum mechanical state is a sum (or superposition) of all possible states. ... one can just as well choose to accept that all possibilities are true, and that they exist in different universes of a multiverse. ... The universes predicted by string theory and inflation live in the same physical space (unlike the many universes of quantum mechanics which live in a mathematical space), they can overlap or collide. Indeed, they inevitably must collide ...

On Electricity by Nikola Tesla
But among all these many departments of research, these many branches of industry, new and old, which are being rapidly expanded, there is one dominating all others in importance - one which is of the greatest significance for the comfort and welfare, not to say for the existence, of mankind, and that is the electrical transmission of power.
OK, we all know there's way more to this with all the shots of electrical wires, the electrician in the lodge, the soundscape of electrical arcing, Cooper being transmitted through a wall outlet ... exactly how it all relates to transmitting people into parallel universes is still elusive to me.

The Horizon Project
or ...
Well, your guess is as good as mine as to why this financial site is listed. Could it be that Bill Hastings isn't very good at website stuff? Maybe he accidentally listed the wrong 'Horizon Project'? A Google search for those keywords results in dozens of unrelated possibilities. Try searching those two words (without quotes) and adding the word 'universe'. Hmmmmmmm ... Maybe this is what he meant to link to?:
Horizon Project: computer simulation extends our knowledge of the Universe
In Astrophysics, solving equations in the field of the mechanics of self-gravitating fluids, using more effective algorithms and increasingly more powerful supercomputers, helps us to model the structural formation of the universe and to compare models to astronomical observations with an unprecedented degree of realism. ... The Horizon Project simulation has made it possible to predict the distribution of matter in the universe with an unprecedented precision and realism. Researchers will soon be able to compare the model with observations of the entire sky. These observations will soon be available from the European Space Agency's Planck mission, which was launched in 2009. They will also be able to prepare future experiments on the gravitational lens4 such is the "Dark UNiverse Explorer" (DUNE) whose aim is to determine the nature of dark matter.

Yup, Dune. Fuck you, Lynch. Did you really just do that on purpose? I'm both in awe and literally rolling with laughter. That page leads to IRFU website:
Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe

Why Frequencies are the Key to Understanding Parallel Universes and Time Travel (link takes you to another site)
This citation is missing a link. Here it is: ... ime-travel
The eminent physicist and co-founder of string theory, Michio Kaku, has said: "If you have a radio in your living room...and you have all frequencies in your living room; BBC, Radio Moscow, ABC, but your radio is tuned to one frequency - you're decohered from all the other frequencies. You're only coherent with one frequency. We now believe that the universe is vibrating and that there are vibrations of other universes right in this room. There are the universes of dinosaurs because the comet didn't hit 65 million years ago; the wave function of aliens from outer space looking at the rubble of an earth that already was destroyed - all in your living room, except we have decohered from them. We're no longer in tune with them, we don't vibrate with them...Probably there are other parallel universes in your living room and believe it or not this is called modern physics...get used to it. This is the modern interpretation of the quantum theory, that many worlds represents reality." ... As we have seen and will see further, in quantum physics the past, present, and future are not clearly distinguishable from one another and research is ongoing into the effects the future has on the present (you read that correctly). In short, past, present, and future - all of them - exist now. ... Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek says, "We are haunted by the awareness that infinitely many slightly variant copies of ourselves are living out their parallel lives and that every moment more duplicates spring into existence and take up our many alternative futures."

Fred's Blog
The old link is dead. It has come back to life at this new link:
Wow, this site is deep and expansive and no, I did not read the whole site. I'm not finding anything called 'Fred's Blog' but maybe the guy's name is Fred Mish who writes it? This one needs more research.

Epoch Times article on Parallel Universes
The old link on the 'normal' internet is dead. The old link on the Wayback Machine (alternate universe) is also dead. This webpage has resurfaced at a different point in the Wayback universe at this address: ... 29364.html
The video that can't be seen in (alternate) web archive site can be seen here, in the YouTube-iverse:
Similar to how radio waves of various frequencies exist in your living room, there are multiple universes existing in tandem. While your radio is tuned to pick up a certain frequency and thus a single radio station, our universe consists of atoms that are oscillating at a unique frequency that other universes are not vibrating at. Universes are usually not 'in phase', that is vibrating at the same frequency, with each other due to the divisions caused by time, but when they are 'in phase' it is theoretically possible to 'move back and forth' between universes.

Great article on Hugh Everett III ... -biography
Fifty years ago Hugh Everett devised the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which quantum effects spawn countless branches of the universe with different events occurring in each.

This is a little goofy, but always nice to see some local Buckhorn/Rapid City area lore…after all this is the sacred lands of the Lakota: ... 01e.html#1
Well, won't some of these people just fit right in ...

So again, if you could sum it up in a few sentences, what is it that David Lynch and Mark Frost are trying to get across to us through narrative story? What's the greater purpose here? It's the end of this post and I'll offer my attempt:

Twin Peaks is about: Twins. Alternate people. Dopplegangers. Doubles. Multiples. Inhabiting spirits. Choose your favorite synonym. Laura/Maddie. The three Fusco detectives. The two Trumans. Gerard/Mike. Leland/Bob. Waiter/Giant. This list can go on and on and on ...

and also

Twin Peaks is about: Twins. Alternate realities. Multiple realities. Present Earth. Black Lodge. White Lodge. Waiting Room. The experiences of three Coopers. Different universes or at least different planes of existence. The RR Diner so called 'bad' edit. This list can also go on and on and on ...

Is it future or is it past? Yes, it is.

What is - is. My meditation teacher taught me that suffering is not accepting what is. Simply accept what is. Right now, the present - is. Can we also say the past - is? And that the future - is? All of them right now? Concurrently? How does your life shift with this concept? Maybe this is what David Lynch and Mark Frost are going for. That's surely something that's never before been attempted in film (at least to this scale). I guess we'll find out in the back half of the season. There simply has to be one unifying theory and that's what I've gleaned so far ... but I guess it would also make total sense if there were at least two unifying theories! Go for it! ...
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by alreadygoneplaces »

Poltergeist27 wrote: The Showtime Youtube promos from May are spoilers? Erg ok, I will edit my post. (Unless you meant the rumor from the other person??[/spoiler]
More the rumour, but both I guess... Maybe it's just me, as someone who avoids these trailers and promos, but I count anything that gives away things that haven't yet happened on the actual series to be spoilers... including the trailers themselves, which is why I avoid them. There just seems to be a general and gradual creep in these threads towards spoilers getting left untagged (usually talk about which actors have been pictured together during production etc). Apologies if I'm the only one who sees it this way!
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by BigEd »

alreadygoneplaces wrote:
Poltergeist27 wrote: The Showtime Youtube promos from May are spoilers? Erg ok, I will edit my post. (Unless you meant the rumor from the other person??[/spoiler]
More the rumour, but both I guess... Maybe it's just me, as someone who avoids these trailers and promos, but I count anything that gives away things that haven't yet happened on the actual series to be spoilers... including the trailers themselves, which is why I avoid them. There just seems to be a general and gradual creep in these threads towards spoilers getting left untagged (usually talk about which actors have been pictured together during production etc). Apologies if I'm the only one who sees it this way!
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by mtwentz »

BigEd wrote:
alreadygoneplaces wrote:
Poltergeist27 wrote: The Showtime Youtube promos from May are spoilers? Erg ok, I will edit my post. (Unless you meant the rumor from the other person??[/spoiler]
More the rumour, but both I guess... Maybe it's just me, as someone who avoids these trailers and promos, but I count anything that gives away things that haven't yet happened on the actual series to be spoilers... including the trailers themselves, which is why I avoid them. There just seems to be a general and gradual creep in these threads towards spoilers getting left untagged (usually talk about which actors have been pictured together during production etc). Apologies if I'm the only one who sees it this way!
You are not the only one.
There is no 'spoiler' in any trailer. They are not even trailers, just teasers. They reveal nothing about the plot, and the one specifically referred to reveals nothing about when, if ever, the real Coop is going to come back.
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by DamnFineCreamedCorn »

Have I got this right, because I hope not: Bill and Ruth got the coordinates to enter the zone from a government computer? And these are the same coordinates Mr C has been seeking?

Given Mr C's demonstrated technomancy, especially hacking secure facilities, why would he need to get them from Bill's secretary? And why would she have them? And why would she only trust Ray with them? And why is she dead now?

The more I think about Part 9, the less happy I am with it. Hurry on, Part 10.
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by LateReg »

DamnFineCreamedCorn wrote:Have I got this right, because I hope not: Bill and Ruth got the coordinates to enter the zone from a government computer? And these are the same coordinates Mr C has been seeking?

Given Mr C's demonstrated technomancy, especially hacking secure facilities, why would he need to get them from Bill's secretary? And why would she have them? And why would she only trust Ray with them? And why is she dead now?

The more I think about Part 9, the less happy I am with it. Hurry on, Part 10.
The way I took it, I don't think she was trusting Ray with them. I think Ray was telling Mr C that she'd only give them to Ray because Ray didn't want Mr C to have them. As for the rest of what you said, I can't remember.
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by mtwentz »

DamnFineCreamedCorn wrote:Have I got this right, because I hope not: Bill and Ruth got the coordinates to enter the zone from a government computer? And these are the same coordinates Mr C has been seeking?

Given Mr C's demonstrated technomancy, especially hacking secure facilities, why would he need to get them from Bill's secretary? And why would she have them? And why would she only trust Ray with them? And why is she dead now?

The more I think about Part 9, the less happy I am with it. Hurry on, Part 10.
If you consider that a plot hole, so be it. I consider it relatively minor, if it's a plot hole at all. But plot holes go with the territory, as they say. Especially a grand sweeping story of interdimensional travel from creamed corn planets...
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by yaxomoxay »

DamnFineCreamedCorn wrote:Have I got this right, because I hope not: Bill and Ruth got the coordinates to enter the zone from a government computer? And these are the same coordinates Mr C has been seeking?

Given Mr C's demonstrated technomancy, especially hacking secure facilities, why would he need to get them from Bill's secretary? And why would she have them? And why would she only trust Ray with them? And why is she dead now?

The more I think about Part 9, the less happy I am with it. Hurry on, Part 10.
That computer could have been off the grid, therefore inaccessible to Mr. C.

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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by DamnFineCreamedCorn »

mtwentz wrote: If you consider that a plot hole, so be it. I consider it relatively minor, if it's a plot hole at all. But plot holes go with the territory, as they say. Especially a grand sweeping story of interdimensional travel from creamed corn planets...
I'm not sure I'd call it a plot hole, either. And the plot doesn't matter to me so much as the themes. Maybe that's my problem with the exposition-heavy parts: the plot distracts from the theme, and some of the mood is lost. I find that happens in a number of episodes of the original run, too. Less so, so far, in The Return, which has been one reason why I've found it superior.
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by cgs027 »

DamnFineCreamedCorn wrote:Have I got this right, because I hope not: Bill and Ruth got the coordinates to enter the zone from a government computer? And these are the same coordinates Mr C has been seeking?

Given Mr C's demonstrated technomancy, especially hacking secure facilities, why would he need to get them from Bill's secretary? And why would she have them? And why would she only trust Ray with them? And why is she dead now?

The more I think about Part 9, the less happy I am with it. Hurry on, Part 10.
I totally agree here, seemed a little lazy to me. A high school librarian is able to access data that DoppleCoop is explicitly looking for, but he can't?! Also don't quite follow why DoppleCoop (via Jack, the man who got his face massaged into oblivion) would have the secretary's car blown up if she was the one who was going to pass this info to him via Ray. (Yes, maybe we can assume he already knew that Ray had met with her and thus, she was disposable, but that's a stretch, given that he had no idea Ray had ended up in prison). Not MAJOR plot holes, and they don't ruin where they are heading with this, but kind of loosy goosy for me.
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by KnewItsPa »

Was it just me or did Dougie still have the red cup in his hands after the cops had bagged the cup for prints?
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by yaxomoxay »

KnewItsPa wrote:Was it just me or did Dougie still have the red cup in his hands after the cops had bagged the cup for prints?
They give him fresh coffee in another cup.

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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by wxray »

yaxomoxay wrote:
KnewItsPa wrote:Was it just me or did Dougie still have the red cup in his hands after the cops had bagged the cup for prints?
They give him fresh coffee in another cup.

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Right. I had to rewatch it because Janey-E is shown putting it down (and DougieCoop looks longingly at it). Earlier, DougieCoop is clearly holding it. So the cup will have DougieCoop's prints, Janey-E's, and the detective's. Not optimal, but I'm sure they'll be able to lift one. They may even find out something about Janey-E -- or not.
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by anthoto1 »

wxray wrote:
yaxomoxay wrote:
KnewItsPa wrote:Was it just me or did Dougie still have the red cup in his hands after the cops had bagged the cup for prints?
They give him fresh coffee in another cup.

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Right. I had to rewatch it because Janey-E is shown putting it down (and DougieCoop looks longingly at it). Earlier, DougieCoop is clearly holding it. So the cup will have DougieCoop's prints, Janey-E's, and the detective's. Not optimal, but I'm sure they'll be able to lift one. They may even find out something about Janey-E -- or not.
Well, I think they'd better go directly for some DNA. :-)
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Re: Part 9 - This is the chair (SPOILERS)

Post by KnewItsPa »

Thanks guys. Must have missed that refill.

Let's hope Coops prints bring up an FBI alert, keep the story moving.
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