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Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:56 am
by WhiteLodge90
I hate the term fanservice. Especially in regards to this show. Just because a group of people want something does not make it lesser of value and a cheapened low form of storytelling.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:58 am
by WhiteLodge90
Panapaok wrote:
LiAnn wrote:Although I've enjoyed most of the scenes with the original TP cast, we haven't exactly learned much about them. What have they been up to for the past 25 years? Are Ed, Norma, and Nadine still stuck in the world's most devastating love triangle? What exactly is Harry sick with? Is Becky Shelly's daughter with Bobby? What happened to Donna, Audrey, and Annie? I know Mark Frost's book will address a lot of these questions, but I'd prefer to see them answered in the show. Hopefully, they will be.
I think they're stalling all the Twin Peaks stuff on purpose. They want it to be the focus as we're getting closer to Cooper coming back to town. Las Vegas also moves slowly on purpose because of Coop's current state. I mean, look at the Buckhorn scenes, there's not a single second being wasted, every scene moves the plot forward. I'm sensing that the Buckhorn subplot is reaching a conclusion and the other two will swing into higher gear soon.
I hope you're right. Not having Big Ed interact with Norma and Nadine or a scene with Bobby and Shelly etc has been a downer for me.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:05 am
by LiAnn
Panapaok wrote:
LiAnn wrote:Although I've enjoyed most of the scenes with the original TP cast, we haven't exactly learned much about them. What have they been up to for the past 25 years? Are Ed, Norma, and Nadine still stuck in the world's most devastating love triangle? What exactly is Harry sick with? Is Becky Shelly's daughter with Bobby? What happened to Donna, Audrey, and Annie? I know Mark Frost's book will address a lot of these questions, but I'd prefer to see them answered in the show. Hopefully, they will be.
I think they're stalling all the Twin Peaks stuff on purpose. They want it to be the focus as we're getting closer to Cooper coming back to town. Las Vegas also moves slowly on purpose because of Coop's current state. I mean, look at the Buckhorn scenes, there's not a single second being wasted, every scene moves the plot forward. I'm sensing that the Buckhorn subplot is reaching a conclusion and the other two will swing into higher gear soon.
I hope you're right. When watching some of the earlier episodes, I got the feeling that the TP scenes were put in to remind us that all roads will eventually lead back to the eponymous town and its citizens. For lack of a better metaphor, they're the bassline in a very elaborate song.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:25 am
by 4815162342
WhiteLodge90 wrote:I hate the term fanservice. Especially in regards to this show. Just because a group of people want something does not make it lesser of value and a cheapened low form of storytelling.
No. I think when it is a problem is when that is the _only_ reason for a particular story/character choice.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:35 am
by Robin Davies
Metamorphia wrote:Nah, it's definitely not Amarcord. He doesn't whistle the descending part which is what defines the tune.
It sounds to me like Cole is trying to remember how the tune goes. He starts it but then it falls apart with a sort of random twittering. This is what makes me think he's trying and failing to remember the Amarcord theme.
I admit it's a tough call though. We know Lynch likes both Fellini and Rammstein. Is it possible he's noticed they sound similar and is teasing us by missing off the end so us hapless fans argue about which it is? :)

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:37 am
by Jerry Horne
I wonder if that farmer's last name is Blodgett?

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:41 am
by Panapaok
Jerry Horne wrote:I wonder if that farmer's last name is Blodgett?
If he was, then Andy should be crying. :lol:

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:45 am
by Jerry Horne

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:49 am
by Cappy
Now that we've finally met Cooper's Diane, what are the chances we'll meet Hawk's Diane? As in Diane Shapiro, PhD, Brandeis University.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:51 am
by secretlettermkr
Metamorphia wrote:
secretlettermkr wrote:FELLINI, Nino Rota

Not Rammstein... :roll:

Nah, it's definitely not Amarcord. He doesn't whistle the descending part which is what defines the tune.

Oh man i cant belive you! the title of that theme song means I REMEMBER, Lynch/GordonCole doesnt remember the tuneright, he is trying to remember I REMEMBER, and Cooper is trying to remember, Amarcord is about MEMORY aswell as THE RETURN is... and RAMMSTEIN tune is obviously a callback/ripoff of the nino Rota track... so,... get real!

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:54 am
by NewShoes
Have we talked about the jet windows mystery yet? I see lots of twitter and facebook chatter about it. I failed to notice it on first viewing because I was distracted trying to figure out which mountain it was (thought it might be Rainier, which didn't make sense geographically to me).

More interesting...and stranger...the original footage was found on doesn't have the window weirdness...and it turns out to be taken from a sales add for the airplane...

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:05 pm
by LiAnn
4815162342 wrote:
WhiteLodge90 wrote:I hate the term fanservice. Especially in regards to this show. Just because a group of people want something does not make it lesser of value and a cheapened low form of storytelling.
No. I think when it is a problem is when that is the _only_ reason for a particular story/character choice.
Agreed. Fanservice is only really fanservice when there's no real reason, aside from nostalgia or comfort, for a particular narrative decision. Fanservice would be having Mr. Pinkle pop up as the Hit and Run Mom's husband (or something equally silly). Having an emotionally rich, narratively interesting couple like Bobby and Shelly still together after twenty-five years doesn't feel like fanservice to me. After all, there's so much that can still be done with their characters, especially if their relationship continued to grow and strengthen (or worsen) over two-plus decades.

This actually reminds me of a conversation that took place about a year ago in the "Season 3 Hopes & Dreams" thread. Several people were decrying the idea of any new characters being the offspring of already existent TP characters, which honestly seemed like reverse fanservice to me (which is almost worse). When you go out of your way to make sure things don't seem fanservice-y, you actually wind up shooting yourself in the foot. I mean, would it have really made sense for all the original young people -- Bobby, Shelly, James, Donna, Audrey, etc. -- to be single and childless? No. Especially in a town like Twin Peaks, where everybody knows everybody, and people marry their high school sweethearts every day.

Point being, I agree with Mr. Reindeer that any show worth its salt should shy away from unnecessary fanservice; that being said, the fans aren't always wrong to want what they want (i.e. the continuation of certain storylines, relationships, and themes), and a good showrunner/creator should know the difference between the two and embrace the latter.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:15 pm
by vicksvapor77
NewShoes wrote:Have we talked about the jet windows mystery yet? I see lots of twitter and facebook chatter about it. I failed to notice it on first viewing because I was distracted trying to figure out which mountain it was (thought it might be Rainier, which didn't make sense geographically to me).

More interesting...and stranger...the original footage was found on doesn't have the window weirdness...and it turns out to be taken from a sales add for the airplane...
I admit I will never care about such secretive/complex mysteries like that, if it truly is one. I'm lazy, I'll just wait for the show to tell me LOL.

That being said, isn't it possible they simply added some light reflection in post to make the shot look cooler/stand out?

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:25 pm
by DeepBlueSeed
secretlettermkr wrote:
Metamorphia wrote:
secretlettermkr wrote:FELLINI, Nino Rota

Not Rammstein... :roll:

Nah, it's definitely not Amarcord. He doesn't whistle the descending part which is what defines the tune.

Oh man i cant belive you! the title of that theme song means I REMEMBER, Lynch/GordonCole doesnt remember the tuneright, he is trying to remember I REMEMBER, and Cooper is trying to remember, Amarcord is about MEMORY aswell as THE RETURN is... and RAMMSTEIN tune is obviously a callback/ripoff of the nino Rota track... so,... get real!
Hah! "Obviously". It's not like that simple descending arrangement of notes could coincidentally sound similar.

I'm inclined to go with a little from column a, a little from column b. If Lynch genuinely only meant one of those then it's a happy coincidence, Amarcord for being about memory, and Engel for a video featuring something not entirely unlike the picture behind him in its video.

Re: Part 7 - There's a body all right (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:27 pm
by djsunyc
Cappy wrote:I hope that Bobby and Shelly are separated, and that Bobby is out to prove to Shelly that he's a responsible and level headed person now. It'd give his character a quest. Although I'm sure he'll get pulled into the mess with his dad's headless body in South Dakota at some point.

I am probably in the minority on this, but I'd like to see James pursue Shelly's friend from the Roadhouse. Just because I'm curious what his character is like now, and to see if he still plays guitar. His character was so sad on the original, it'd be nice to see him get something of a happy ending.
considering shelly is probably screwing baltazar's ghetty's character, it seems like she's the one that needs to "grow up".