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Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:42 pm
by herofix
hopesfall wrote: plus i thought she was a great actress at such a young age.
It surprises me that more people don't talk about this when discussing Donna these days. I watched the series about a month or so ago for the first time in years when we got the Blu-ray box, and this time I really noticed that Lara Flynn Boyle acted her socks off, and with the exception of Grace Zabriskie, Ray Wise and Richard Beymer she may have been the best actor in the whole series! Sheryl Lee with an honourable mention.

I guess maybe holding out for what Donna could have been is wishful thinking now. But I wish there was more respect for how successful Donna and James were in getting the story told so well.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:46 pm
by Gabriel
I like Lara Flynn Boyle's Donna a lot more this time. There's definitely more room for Donna in the new show, depending on how much the new series ties into the Laura Palmer case.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:49 am
by herofix
Well funnily enough, after always defending Donna's place in Twin Peaks now I do wonder if there's space for Donna in a new season set in the present day. I don't think she's crucial to the the way the story will be told like she was back in the day. Her and James were the ideal way to get to know Laura.

Anyway, I maybe was dragging this off-topic. I'd have to re-watch the series making careful note of which scenes happen in which episodes and paying close attention to the directing credits to contribute to the main topic of this thread. I've never actually done that.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:44 am
by LostInTheMovies
Jasper wrote:
LostInTheMovies wrote:Agreed about Ep. 14. The ending is spectacular but the whole thing is just superbly executed. I love the way Lynch brings pathos and style to even the least interesting subplots: Nadine and Bobby/Shelly/Leo have never been more compelling or atmospheric.
When Lynch directs Nadine and Mike in the diner, as well as the two of them in ep. 29, that silly subplot is imbued with full-spectrum TP magic. It's remarkable.
It really is. I don't know what direction they'll be heading in, in 2016 but if there's as mch emphasis on ensemble and subplots as there was in 1990 it will really be a treat to see Lynch and Frost do it right. It's a shame that in the second season, I wince or get restless whenever most non-Laura-mystery plots come onscreen yet I really do like almost all the chracyers themselves. It's just the non-stories or (more to the point of what Lynch achieves) non-themes they're involved with. The original idea, of all these little mini-worlds connected by location and loosely by circumstance is wonderful, in theory.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:46 am
by LostInTheMovies
herofix wrote:
hopesfall wrote: plus i thought she was a great actress at such a young age.
It surprises me that more people don't talk about this when discussing Donna these days. I watched the series about a month or so ago for the first time in years when we got the Blu-ray box, and this time I really noticed that Lara Flynn Boyle acted her socks off, and with the exception of Grace Zabriskie, Ray Wise and Richard Beymer she may have been the best actor in the whole series! Sheryl Lee with an honourable mention.

I guess maybe holding out for what Donna could have been is wishful thinking now. But I wish there was more respect for how successful Donna and James were in getting the story told so well.
I agree. Re-watching the Harold scenes again she is just tremendous. I think that plot is actually the highlight of those three episodes; without it I would probably like that short stretch of the show significantly less.

PS Don't forget Al Strobel! His Mike sequence in ep. 13 is probably my favorite bit of acting in the whole series (though if we're including the film, Sheryl Lee takes the cake).

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:30 am
by FauxOwl
I totally agree about Lara Flynn Boyle's acting in the first season. This is not a criticism of Grace Zabriskie or Ray Wise by any stretch, but I thought there was a stylized quality to their acting in the grieving scenes (it was still effective), while LFB's reaction when she learned the news was very natural. I was never down with her overnight transformation in Season 2. It's not just because the season 1 iteration was more likable, but she was a more interesting character in season 1.

Back on topic, I think I'd rank the Lynch episodes like this:

1) Episode 14
2) Episode 29
3) Episode 9
4) Episode 2
5) The pilot
6) Episode 8

I find it interesting that Lynch expresses such lament that he was forced to solve the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer, because episode 14 and FWWM are IMO the finest things he's done with Twin Peaks, and they go into the most detail in revealing exactly that.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:58 am
by Audrey Horne
for me the first season is so good because of the perfect casting and flawless acting, coupled with the perfect production and flawless writing.

*best performance though in FWWM is Irene.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:27 pm
by LostInTheMovies
Audrey Horne wrote:for me the first season is so good because of the perfect casting and flawless acting, coupled with the perfect production and flawless writing.

*best performance though in FWWM is Irene.
Don't take it no further than that.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:32 pm
by LostInTheMovies
FauxOwl wrote:I totally agree about Lara Flynn Boyle's acting in the first season. This is not a criticism of Grace Zabriskie or Ray Wise by any stretch, but I thought there was a stylized quality to their acting in the grieving scenes (it was still effective), while LFB's reaction when she learned the news was very natural.
Agreed. The parents' reaction works very well, but it's Donna's that gets me every time. Admittedly assisted by that spectacular sound design and editing as that girl runs across the courtyard.

Early s2 Donna works for me (to a certain extent though her transformation in the premiere feels a bit forced if fun). While she's more inconsistent, there's also a bit more depth there especially with the whole Harold dynamic, where she's trying to become a bit more like Laura. After that she's wasted (along with the rest of the cast). But her scene with Windom Earle near the end is great; one of the few parts in which Windom comes off as somewhat menacing (maybe because he isn't trying to be?).

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:46 pm
by Audrey Horne
LostInTheMovies wrote:
Audrey Horne wrote:for me the first season is so good because of the perfect casting and flawless acting, coupled with the perfect production and flawless writing.

*best performance though in FWWM is Irene.
Don't take it no further than that.

Ha, don't I know it. I've learned to stay mum about the film.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:39 pm
by LostInTheMovies
Not sure where else to post this, but I'd like to give this thread a bump anyway. Just stumbled across this SF Chronicle article from '91 (in and thought it was kind of amusing:

From the SF Chronicle Personals column, Thursday, June 13 (typed in
without permission):
The show is over, but the remorse lingers on. Harley Peyton, writer and
producer of "Twin Peaks," has expressed his regrets about the chess
match between Dale Cooper and Windom Earle, which began last January at
the behest of chess player and series co-creator Mark Frost.

Frost quickly lost interest in the game, Peyton told the Vialage Voice,
and the rest of the writers plotted the moves with sporadic advice from
the "self-ordained chess experts" on the set.

Chess maven Helmer Pelaez told the Voice the game was "pretty dumb" and
Nick Conticello said it "had no objective chess value" and was
"hopelessly boring."

Peyton said he was sorry. "We weren't as exact as we should have been,"
he said. "It became a pain in the ass."

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:11 pm
by LostInTheMovies
I was going to start a new thread for this, but figured it would be better to deposit it here. Expanding on my previous, measly top 5. Share your own!

A dicussion about episode 28 inspired me to do this completely arbitrary and of-the-moment ranking of Twin Peaks episodes. Purely subjective - these are just the ones that appeal/don't appeal to me.

Episode 29 - the finale, Black Lodge is one of the most brilliant cinematic sequences I've ever seen
Episode 14 - the devastating heart of darkness for this show
Episode 2 - the most perfect distillation of the show's "fun" side
The Pilot - maybe the most flawlessly constructed episode
Episode 9 - Bob crawling over the couch, love the numerous supernatural flares
Episode 8 - season 2 premiere, most flawed Lynch episode imo but so MANY brilliant sequences
Episode 13 - build-up to the reveal, with the Mike's unforgettable speech
Episode 5 - Jacoby/Bobby, Log Lady, Jacques' cabin, Leland dancing at Great Northern all summon spirit of Laura mystery
Episode 4 - meeting the One-Armed Man, great scene with Audrey/Donna, just a completely absorbing/stylish episode
Episode 10 - lots of great moments - Leland flicking matches, Donna at the grave, etc, though some bad s2 subplots begin
Episode 6 - the show is really hitting its stride as a gripping soap opera/police procedural
Episode 12 - very underrated episode, the Donna-Harold scenes are fantastic
Episode 7 - goes out with a bang, misses a bit of the moody vibe, but lots of enjoyable plot twists
Episode 3 - I used to not like this one so much, but there are some very lush visuals, and many classic scenes esp. funeral
Episode 1 - a bit underwhelming stylistically, but so many great lines! and of course, the first real glimpse of Bob
Episode 25 - Cole-Shelly is obvious highlight, but whole RR scene is a delight, Coop's back in FBI & Owl Cave is cheesy fun
Episode 16 - Maybe deserves its own category. MANY issues w/ it, but strong points too & Leland's death is unforgettable
Episode 15 - Leland's great, love the hook rug dance, but too many lackluster subplots & Bob isn't as scary anymore
Episode 11 - fantastic opening shot, but nothing else quite lives up to it, weakest of the Laura mystery episodes
Episode 26 - Cole's Shelly kiss is the highlight but I also enjoy the Lodge lore - but not quite as good as the Leland episodes
Episode 27 - Some wonderfully creepy/off-kilter/"TP is back" moments, but dragged down by JJW's endless exit
Episode 24 - this is where the show comes back for me, despite some very silly stuff - Windom/Donna scene is spooky
Episode 28 - sets up the finale & has a few great moments, but whole thing drags & reminds us show ain't quite back yet
Episode 20 (highlight: bizarrely enjoyable videogame space flash/Maj. Briggs on throne)
Episode 18 (highlight: the scene that introduces both the Black Lodge & Denise Bryson)
Episode 23 (Josie-in-the-doorknob is memorable - as is "I'm alive!" - but surprisingly dull for a Glatter episode)
Episode 17 - to paraphrase Seinfeld: "what a loathsome, offensive episode - yet I can't look away!"
Episode 21 - fairly strong beginning, Windom intro's good, but in between feels as tired as rest of mid-season 2
Episode 19 - other than Maj. Briggs reappearing in pilot gear (& lightning shots under credits) does almost nothing for me
Episode 22 - on some days, I don't think Diane Keaton's direction is extremely aggravating; on others...

To end an upbeat note, here's where I would rank the non-episode stuff:

Fire Walk With Me: best of the best, above even #29 (bring it)
The Missing Pieces: top-notch category, probably even above #2 although it's apples/oranges obviously
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer: also top-notch - paints Laura as an even more compelling character than the show
My Life, My Tapes - The Autobiography of Agent Cooper: solid category, this is a lot of fun w/ illuminating backstory
Access Guide - somewhere in flawed but compelling; lots of filler (though that's kind of fun) but wonderful tidbits sprinkled throughout

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:17 pm
by BOB1
Heh, well any ranking is my pair of shoes... I'll use your categories as I like them very much, adding one more. Our choices are about to differ, though...
A spontaneous choice here we go!

Ep.8 - between the very best of episode beginnings and one of the very best of episode endings there is the biggest number (and,indeed, variety) of top-notch moments
Ep.16 - nothing moves as much as the Leland death scene and yet it doesn't stand out that much because all the rest is superb, too, and I don't have any issues at all ;)
Ep.14 - "the devastating heart of darkness for this show" I can only second. I'm so sorry...
Ep.29 - I would call this one "the most flawlessly constructed episode" of all and cinematically probably the best; I miss Laura, though... and I don't really get what happened to Coop...
Ep.7 - absolute blast; every aspect of this episode is 100%
The Pilot - the most haunting and riveting intro one could expect. I still prefer when it goes deeper inside the town but the Pilot is just pure classic, it's the ancient Greece of Twin Peaks ;)

EXCELLENT ("solid" sounds like understatement here, anyway this is the category where almost the whole Season 1 fits for me - individually the episodes are not as stunning as some of the later ones but all in all it proves to be top-notch, too...)
Ep.15 - it's practically perfect, just happens to be in the middle. BOB not so scary? Hmm, in a way this is perhaps his scariest episode to me!
Ep.6 - as above, it sets up something greater but even on its own it's practically perfect
Ep.4 - style!!
Ep.5 - style!!
(these two above are the core of Season 1)
Ep.2 - it may not appeal to me as much as to others but I can't really say a word against it
Ep.12 - "very underrated episode, the Donna-Harold scenes are fantastic" - now we agree!

Ep.3 - couldn't make up my mind if this one should be here or above - whatever. Very very good and the last scene is perfect.
Ep.27 - Twin Peaks is back and even shivers down the spine a bit - again!
Ep.13 - everything works as should and MIKE is perfect
Ep.23 - everything works again even though people say it doesn't. Keeps me hooked from Caroline's mask to Josie's knob.
Ep.1 - everything works, too, but nothing much happens yet
Ep.9 - everything seems to work but I can't find any emotions in it

FLAWED, BUT COMPELLING (this category fits great with the mid-20 episodes of which I am very fond even if I am aware of all their flaws)
Ep.22 - obviously my favourite in this category. Truth is I prefer it to Ep.9 even though it's flawed and 9 is not 8)
Ep.26 - I absolutely love the beginning with Windom's story and I absolutely love the Cooper/Wheeler scene by the fire. A few others also work well.
Ep.25 - it's genuinely funny even if not much more!

WEAK (well, not weak - but obviously weaker)
Ep.24 - silly stuff is one thing and a really lame ending is another. The best here are the opening shots with Harry, his glass, and the beautiful music
Ep.10 - yeah.. not bad but the beginning doesn't work at all and unfortunately I find the Donna at the grave scene just bad
Ep.11 - yeah.. not bad but not too good either ;)
Ep.21 - if we forget Dr Hayward's speech it's got its moments... and the ending is truly memorable
Ep.28 - "sets up the finale & has a few great moments, but whole thing drags & reminds us show ain't quite back yet" - quite agreed!

Ep.18 - cut out Ben and it's the worst episode of all. But the Ben scene is a gem and neither of the episodes below had one.

Ep.19 - seemed better than the former two when I watched it for the first time. But I can't remember why anymore.
Ep.20 - the good thing about this episode is that it ends the pointless Coop-suspended plot
Ep.17 - :|
On its own it could be decent. After Ep.16 it is just embarassing.

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:33 pm
by LostInTheMovies
BOB1 wrote:Heh, well any ranking is my pair of shoes... I'll use your categories as I like them very much, adding one more. Our choices are about to differ, though...
A spontaneous choice here we go!
Very much enjoyed reading these. Re: ep. 18, I forgot to mention the Ben scene with those great home movies. Between that and the fact that it introduces the Lodge lore (and if I'm not mistaken, has the only overt mention of the Dweller on the Threshold in the whole series) and Denise Bryson, it might be the best episode of that stretch for me. Which says so very, very little. Ok, I need to stop dragging my feet and get working on that section of my video now haha.

This is great btw:
I still prefer when it goes deeper inside the town but the Pilot is just pure classic, it's the ancient Greece of Twin Peaks ;)

Re: Favorite episodes (and directors) of Twin Peaks

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:06 am
by LostInTheMovies
bump - for two reasons

1) EDIT: *deleted* (no longer applicable)

2) just in general, I'd love to hear more people's thoughts/lists on this subject

My own ranking of every episode, w/ reasons: