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New Star Wars Getting Skewered

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:20 pm
by mtwentz
The Rise of Skywalker is getting pummeled by the critics. I never made it all the way through The Last Jedi. I’ve thought this Star Wars trilogy without Lucas has been terribly boring, though it has a few good ideas here and there. I thus wouldn’t be a good judge of the new film and don’t plan to see it in any case.

For those of you who enjoyed the first two of the trilogy, what do you think?

Re: New Star Wars Getting Skewered

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 8:18 am
by ManBehindWinkies
I'll see it later next week with my niece and nephew, as I have with all the new Star Wars films released around Christmas, and that's probably the main reason I'm not just waiting until video. I guess I enjoyed the first two in the series well enough. I can't say I had particularly strong positive or negative reactions. I kind of wish The Last Jedi were good enough to justify a spirited defense against the toxic fan backlash. But I do wish every Star Wars property ever made continues to ruin their lives. Unfortunately it sounds like like The Rise of Skywalker might be the first sequel ever made whose primary target audience is people who hated the predecessor.

The "relay" approach to the series seems like it was doomed to fail and put the filmmakers in a tough position. JJ set up stuff for Rian Johnson, who obviously didn't find that stuff very interesting and decided to subvert expectations, and it ended up back in JJ's hands who seemingly wanted to undo all that. I'm not sure how they could have expected it to go all that differently.

Star Wars is going to quickly become a lifeless franchise if it exists for nothing but fan service, but that seems to be the way it's headed. People are going nuts over "The Mandalorian", a show that literally does not feature a single thing that is not re-purposed from the original trilogy. It's basically a the adventures of a recycled Boba Fett travelling with a recycled Yoda through recycled desert planets (because all planets in Star Wars are deserts). The only thing that is new is some inspired casting (Werner Herzog?!?!?!).

Re: New Star Wars Getting Skewered

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:24 pm
by ManBehindWinkies
I finally did see The Rise of Skywalker, and I was bored, and I can say that was never really the case when I saw the first two of the new trilogy. The Last Jedi at least had some memorable moments... this had almost nothing that I could get myself invested in.