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Link between the end of episode 27 & the finale

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:00 pm
by Ross
I know that when Lynch came in to direct the final episode, he threw out Frost's concept of the lodge (a broken down hotel of some sort, right?). And it was Lynch who brought the familiar "red room" from Cooper's dream back as the lodge. I can't believe this wasn't the concept all along. Cooper physically entering his dream world seems like the ONLY way to go.

Anyway, my question is about the end of episode 27- they show the oil with a reflection of the drapes, foreshadowing the lodge itself. Do you think this ending was changed after Lynch decided to bring the red room back for the final? Or did the red room figure into Frost's script in some way? I would assume episode 27 was complete by the time work on the last episode was going on.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:02 pm
by Brad D
interesting, where did frost say it was a broken down hotel? when i was watching the series for the first time that was my expectation

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:03 pm
by Jerry Horne
Here is a link to the original script to the final episode:

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:11 pm
by Ross
Jerry Horne wrote:Here is a link to the original script to the final episode:
Right, so the whole concept of the red room as the lodge seems to have been Lynch's. That's why I wonder if they went back and changed the ending of episode 27 after the fact. Otherwise, why would thay have shown the drapes?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:13 pm
by jmichael
The Red Room does appear in the Frost-Engles-Peyton script, but only for one scene. Most of the Black Lodge looks like a black and white version of the Great Northern, while the final confrontation with Bob takes place in a Dentist's Office.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:36 am
by TheArm
I would just like to take this moment to say that, as pissed off as I know Frost et al were at Lynch for walking in and rewriting the finale, I say THANK YOU DAVID LYNCH. I'd be a lot less happy with the series if the original Ep 29 script had made it on the air.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:07 am
by Evenreven
I agree. I would have been pissed too, but I would also have been wrong.

There are still plenty of good things in the original script, though. Most of the real world parts are there and some have some nice lines not in the filmed version (like Nadine's "Bullpucky! Take a hike, bozo" to Mike), but some of the Lodge scenes seem downright badly written. The most important things from a story point-of-view are in the script, though, like Cooper giving up his soul to Windom Earle to save Annie.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:06 pm
by amonitrate
late to the discussion, but me too!

I just watched the last ep last night, after reading the original script. And if it had filmed as written... shudder. It made no sense, thematically. A broken down hotel? BOB as dentist? WTF?

It just shows that Lynch has a real feel for symbolism, something that the other writers never quite got a hang of, even though I do love (most of) their work on the show.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:52 am
by Evenreven
I read the last script again, and it's better than I remember it. Still, I don't see Dale being afraid of Windom tap dancing about with a top hat and cane. He's just not scary enough. I do think the dark hotel with wind rattling old windows could have worked, though. It's not really meant to be like the Great Northern, that's just meant to illustrate what a part of the corridor should look like.

I'd still say the STORY is great though. And mostly unchanged. All the cliffhangers are there and very little is actually added. (The diner scene, with Bobby, Shelly, Heidi, Sarah, Jacoby and the major, is new and great though.) In the Lodge, Dale enters, has to relive his worst fears, Annie changes into Caroline and back again, he gives up his soul to Windom, but then Bob stops Windom since only the spirits are powerful enough to take souls, and by the end Dale is possessed. That's pretty much the same story as the filmed version, only with not very scary dialogue. Lynch might have thrown out the script, but he didn't throw away the main story.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:09 pm
by amonitrate
True, Lynch did stick with the basic story. He cut about 80% of the dialog, which is a relief. I far prefer his more eerie, uncanny sense of the Black Lodge than the idea that was in the script. Far scarier. And we're all still mulling over it 16 years later, it's kind of amazing.

Re: Link between the end of episode 27 & the finale

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:02 pm
by mtl
broken down

Re: Link between the end of episode 27 & the finale

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:23 am
by Mordeen
Not only do you see what a difference Lynch made in the vibe of the Episode thematically, but technically as well. There is a glaring change in lighting, angles and other elements reflective of his directorial style between Episodes 28 and 29. I would argue that the act of him stepping in and taking over rescued Twin Peaks from being relegated to the dustbin of 90s television.


Re: Link between the end of episode 27 & the finale

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:39 am
by dkenny78
Ross wrote:Do you think this ending was changed after Lynch decided to bring the red room back for the final? Or did the red room figure into Frost's script in some way? I would assume episode 27 was complete by the time work on the last episode was going on.
Yeah, my guess is that Lynch came in to prepare to shoot Ep 29, made his direction known re: the Black Lodge and Red Room, and there was enough time to alter Ep 27 in the post-production or even the shooting to show the reveal of the red curtains. Even though the airing of these episodes was separated by nearly two months, there's nothing to suggest the production was similarly spread out. I don't know the actual shooting dates of the two episodes but I believe the decision to move Ep 28/29 to June was a scheduling one based on declining ratings. So their production dates might have only been a week or so apart.

Re: Link between the end of episode 27 & the finale

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 4:49 am
by Jonah
Don't have the exact quote but I wonder why, if the essence of the script remains virtually unchanged, Frost said it would have been hard to get back to where they needed to for Season 3 after Lynch's version of Episode 29.

(I liked the idea of a ghostly version of the Great Northern, but prefer what we got.)

Re: Link between the end of episode 27 & the finale

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 8:19 am
by Jonah
I think a lot of this was discussed in the thread on Episode 27 ( and maybe somewhat on the one for 29 too ( I think most people seem to think production was changed to add it when Lynch decided what he wanted to do for 29 and they were probably filmed close together, even though they were aired a couple of months apart.

However, as someone pointed above, if the red room was in the script anyway - even briefly - maybe it's possible 27 always ended the way it did with Bob emerging and the glimpse of the red room (which is the audience's only known reference to that realm) even when 29 was meant to include a hotel, etc. Unlikely but it is possible. Though I seem to recall it's not in the script either, so it was probably added later or on the request of Lynch. I sometimes wonder - and I think others suggest it in the episode thread too - if Lynch filmed those last scenes himself.